Our Vision Statement

As a caring and loving church we purpose in our hearts to focus our attention in the following directions:

Upward –
Exalting God in prayer, praise, and worship and preaching the Word;  we purpose to show God He is our passion and express our love and thankfulness for who He is, what He does and who we are because of His Grace.

Inward – 
Encouraging each other;  we purpose to express our love for one another in deeds, prayer and speech.  In a world full of negativity, we choose to support, defend and honor each other in the sight of God.

Forward –
Equipping the saints;  we purpose to assist others in identifying and employing their gifts for the extension and establishment of the Kingdom of God.

Outward –
Evangelizing the lost;  we purpose to present the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit in winning the lost to Him.