Sermon Downloads

We will have limited availability of some sermons as we migrate to a new archive system.  Thank you for your patience.  If you have a specific message or message series you’d like to request, you can contact us through the sermon request page.

In the Name of Jesus

June 13, 2018

The Promise of His Glory

June 10, 2018

Hearing From God

June 6, 2018

This sermon is actually a short summary of the two teachings Tim Sheets gave at Maranatha Fellowship on June 1st and 2nd.  If you'd like to hear a more indepth…


Past Message Series:








Past Message Series:

Verse by Verse (Expository):

1 and 2 Thessalonians
Gospel of John
Seven Churches of Revelation
Series on Joshua

Topical Series:

Characteristics of God (God Who?)
Seven Characteristics of a Disciple of Christ
A Study of the Church
Offense(Bait of Satan)
An Attitude of Gratitude
All Things New
Spiritual Warfare
Revelation of Resurrection

Other Messages:

Guest Speakers
Messages given by other Members
Older Message Archive